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"The Impakt Aid Trust"

Account #:0029-6000-1926

Swift code : BSAMLKLX

Sampath Bank Limited
No. 110, Sir James Peiris Mawatha
Colombo 02, Sri Lanka



1. Work For Widows

2. Mobile Meds Unit

3. Fun For Kids

4. Back To Work

5. Employment Through     English

6. Santation

7. Balapitiya Boys Home

8. Transitional Shelter


1. Work For Widows  Project
The Impakt Aid Trust is helping widows, many of whom have children to support, by teaching skills in a variety of handicrafts. The Impakt Aid Trust trains and delivers supplies to widows in their homes. There is no system of social security for them.    more..

2. Back To Work

The Impakt Aid Trust has completed research and programs which shows that small businesses can be restarted with limited initial investment or capital.    more..

3. Sanitation
Sanitation is one of the most pressing needs in the camps and satellite settlements. IMPAKTaid has, with the assistance of a team of engineers and doctors, developed plans for a public sanitation system (comprising three squat pan toilets and one commode toilet and an eco-friendly septic tank), which can be cheaply and easily constructed at these sites..   more..

4. Employment Through English
  The Impakt Aid Trust has joined with the Centre for Canadian Academic and Professional Services (CCAPS) to design an English education program that focuses on assisting untrained and unskilled people back into a sustainable work force through the medium of English.    more..

5. Mobile Meds
  The Mobile Medical Unit of IMPAKTaid provides basic medical attention to the displaced and effected people of Sri Lanka by operating a free clinic service. Our team consists of local doctors, interns, nurses as well as visiting foreign medical volunteers for whom we provide an escort translator.     more..

6. Fun For Kids

Over a million children were affected by the Asian tsunami.

They now live in relief camps, orphanages and make shift homes and cry out for love and hope.

They look to society to parent them... Feed, educate, and heal the wounds the Tsunami has left, but just as important, to bring smiles back to their innocent faces.    more..

Volunteers Image Bank

Contact our helpful volunteers for further details:

The Impakt Aid Trust
150/2, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 04, Sri Lanka

Office: +94 (0) 11 2507099
Fax: +94 (0) 11 2504322

Mail : info@impaktaid.com


Update & Design By : Rasika Perera